One week after the March for Science, an even bigger crowd took their anger over this administration's hostility towards climate science and denial of anthropogenic climate change to Pennsylvania Avenue. In the face of mountains of scientific evidence, the US inaction on this issue may not only cost its own opportunity to become the international leader to address this arguably biggest threat to the entire humanity, but also lead to more frequent disastrous extreme weather and climate events across the world.
The ongoing conflict in Syria is a total mess, as this Vox video explains. Like any phenomenon in either nature or society, this war is the consequence of complex interconnected factors. The worsening water scarcity due to a long-lasting drought in this region and changing climatic conditions have arguably played a significant role in facilitating the deterioration of agricultural output and correspondingly economic conditions in Syria, as this paper reveals. Conflicts over water and other natural resources have been witnessed repeatedly over the entire human history. With the grim projection of future climatic patterns, many can't help but worry about national securities under an increasingly changing climate.